Record details

  • generalData.authorNameInListings
    Giovanni Battista Caracciolo detto Battistello (1578-1635)
  • generalData.title
    Saint Barbara
  • generalData.creationDate
    c. 1633
  • technicalData.measurements
    53 x 39 cm
  • technicalData.description
    Oil on wood
  • technicalData.complementaryDescription
    This painting has been known to scholars since 1965, when it was published by Alfonso E. Pérez Sánchez, with the exact attribution to Battistello, together with another panel—most likely a pendant—that represents Saint Cecilia and is preserved in the San Telmo Museum in Saint Sebastian. This Saint Barbara was located in Madrid in the 1950s, and was later acquired by a private collection in Bilbao. Since then, she has been part of important exhibitions, such as the 1991 monograph in Naples, by Ferdinando Bologna, and the large exhibition Caravaggio and European Realist Painting at the National Museum of Art of Catalonia, in Barcelona in 2005, curated by the scholar José Milicua.
    The delicate appearance of the image and the sophisticated elegance of its execution reasonably lead to attributing to it a very advanced dating within Caracciolo's work.
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